Stubbing an HTTP end-point with Specmatic
Markus Oberlehner gives a brief overview on the topic of Contract Testing with Specmatic and his experience using it for stubbing an HTTP end-point.
Stubbing an HTTP end-point with Specmatic Read More »
Markus Oberlehner gives a brief overview on the topic of Contract Testing with Specmatic and his experience using it for stubbing an HTTP end-point.
Stubbing an HTTP end-point with Specmatic Read More »
We recently discovered some major issues with the TMForum Conformance Test Kit (CTK) v5.0.0 and will demonstrate how using Specmatic can address these problems.
TMForum ODA CTK API specification conformance testing with Specmatic Read More »
Specmatic’s API coverage report helps identify any mismatches between an OpenAPI specification and an application’s endpoints early in the development lifecycle. The report lists all the endpoints, their coverage, and indicates if they are missing in the spec or not implemented in the application. You can define success criteria for the API coverage report and fix issues.
With Specmatic JDBC stub, you can easily test APIs without the need for a complex database setup. By switching out the real database with a Specmatic JDBC stub, we can set expectations for the stub to respond to specific queries. These expectations can be recorded based on actual interactions. Once the expectations are set, we no longer need the database for our tests!
Break the Chains of Database Dependencies: Leveraging Specmatic for JDBC Stubbing Read More »
The JMS mock is wire compatible and can be controlled entirely from within the test. This means you can run the test locally or also as part of your continuous integration build to provide quick feedback early in the cycle.
JMS Mocking with AsyncAPI using Specmatic Read More »
The Specmatic Kafka mock is wire compatible and entirely within the control of the test, the test can run locally and in CI and deliver quick feedback early in the cycle. So the application itself runs exactly as it would with a real Kafka.
Kafka Mocking with AsyncAPI using Specmatic Read More »
Instead of using an actual instance of Redis, we’ll stub it out and have the contract test set expectations so that the Redis stub knows what data to return for any query sent to it by the application. Now, when we run the contract tests and the service object does a look up in Redis, it’s actually hitting the Redis stub.
Redis Stubbing with Specmatic Contract Testing Read More »
Dave Farley is a respected author and widely recognised proponent of Continuous Delivery. In this video on his Continuous Delivery YouTube channel he discusses why Contract Testing is important for microservices.
“Easy Microservice Testing” – Specmatic featured on Continuous Delivery channel Read More »
With Spring Cloud Contract we can start by authoring the API contract in one of the supported DSLs, based on which the provider / producer is verified and in the process stubs are generated for consumers. This makes it possible to leverage it as both a “consumer driven” or “provider driven” contract testing tool. There are also some interesting points about how we share contracts and stubs (through artifact managers, source control, etc.) with Spring Cloud Contract. Let us look at the detailed comparison between Specmatic and Spring Cloud Contract. Please do leave a comment if there are other areas of comparison on which you would like to see additional details.
Comparison: Specmatic vs Spring Cloud Contract Read More »
API mocking is only effective if the mocks are truly representative of the provider / services they are emulating. Deviations between mocks and providers can lead to integration issues much later in the development cycle. In order to avoid such issues it is important to keep in mind that selecting an API mocking tool is not an isolated decision. It has to be in line with your overall microservices development, testing and deployment goals.
Comparison: Specmatic vs WireMock Read More »