Service Virtualization


  • Create a directory named specmatic in your home directory.
  • Make sure you have installed Specmatic. Explore the Getting Started page for all options for installing Specmatic.

Inline Examples

  • Create a file named employees.yaml in the specmatic directory with the following contents.

    openapi: 3.0.0
      title: Employees
      version: '1.0'
    servers: []
          summary: ''
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
                      name: Jill Doe
                      department: Engineering
                      designation: Director
              description: Employee Created Response
                    type: object
                        type: integer
                      - id
                        id: 10
          type: object
            - name
            - department
            - designation
              type: string
              type: string
              type: string
  • In the same directory, create a file named specmatic.yaml with the following contents:

      - provider: filesystem
          - employees.yaml
  • cd into the specmatic directory and run the following command:

      java -jar specmatic.jar stub

    Alternatively, you can also run the same command with the Docker image:

      docker run znsio/specmatic stub
  • In a new tab, run the following curl command:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Jill Doe", "department": "Engineering", "designation": "Director"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You should get the following response back:

      "id": 10
  • Specmatic ties the named example CREATE_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS listed under the request parameters and the response sections of the OpenAPI spec to create a test.
  • Here’s a detailed breakdown of the contract test:
    • Request: Specmatic uses the request body in the request example named CREATE_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS to match the incoming HTTP request.
    • Response: Once matched, Specmatic looks for an example with same name (CREATE_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS) under responses. In this case the response code happens to be 200, so that is the response that Specmatic will return.

Inline Examples for Responses with No Body

In addition to handling responses with a defined body, Specmatic also supports configuring inline examples for responses with no body. This is particularly useful in scenarios where an HTTP response is expected to return only a status code without any associated payload.

To configure a request that expects a response with no body, you can define an inline example within the requestBody of your OpenAPI specification without associating it with any specific response. Specmatic automatically ties such examples to responses with no body.

Example Usage

Consider the following addition to the employees.yaml file, where we define an example for a request that triggers a response with no body:

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Employees
  version: '1.0'
servers: []
      summary: ''
              type: object
                  type: integer
                - id
                  id: 10
          description: No Content
      type: object
        - name
        - department
        - designation
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string

In this example:

  • Request Example: We have defined an inline example named DELETE_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS under the requestBody section for the DELETE /employees operation.
  • Response: Since the response for this operation has no body (indicated by the 204 No Content status code) and the inline example DELETE_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS is not associated with any response, Specmatic will automatically tie this inline example to the response with no body.

If there are multiple such examples defined for a particular path, all of them will be tied to the corresponding response with no body. This allows you to cover various test scenarios, even for responses that do not return any payload.

Key Points:

  • No Response Body Association: If an inline example is defined without associating it with a specific response, Specmatic assumes it to be relevant for responses with no body.
  • Automatic Binding: Specmatic will bind all such inline examples to the response with no body for the respective request.
  • Multiple Examples: When multiple such examples are defined, each will be considered for the response with no body, allowing comprehensive testing.

This capability enhances the flexibility and coverage of contract testing by ensuring that even scenarios involving responses with no body are thoroughly validated.

Externalizing Example Data

It may not always be possible to add examples inline in the OpenAPI specifications. And sometimes certain examples may not belong in the API specification. In such cases, we can add examples outside the spec in the form of JSON files.

Let’s see how this is done.

  • Run the examples command:

    java -jar specmatic.jar examples employees.yaml

    Alternatively, you can also run the same command with the Docker image:

    docker run znsio/specmatic examples employees.yaml
  • It generates a request-response mapping JSON file in the employees_examples directory containing an example of the API in the spec.
    • The directory name follows the format <spec file name without extension>_examples.
    • The example file name as generated indicates the operation it was generated from. In fact, the name is not limited to any format. You can choose a name that is meaningful to you.
  • Open the file, and you’ll see this:

        "http-request": {
            "path": "/employees",
            "method": "POST",
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "body": {
                "name": "Jill Doe",
                "department": "Engineering",
                "designation": "Director"
        "http-response": {
            "status": 201,
            "body": {
                "id": 479
            "status-text": "Created",
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
  • Specmatic stub recognizes the _examples directory naming convention, and loads files in this directory automatically on startup.
  • Now let’s update the request section to suit our needs, by modifying the value of name to “Jack Sprat”, and the value of department to “Sales”. And in the response, let us modify the value of id to 20, like so:

        "http-request": {
            "path": "/employees",
            "method": "POST",
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "body": {
                "name": "Jack Sprat",
                "department": "Sales",
                "designation": "Director"
        "http-response": {
            "status": 201,
            "body": {
                "id": 20
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "status-text": "Created",
  • Kill the stub (Ctrl+C) if it is running, and start it again.
    • You will see that file name is mentioned in the startup logs.
  • In a new tab, run the following curl command:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Jack Sprat", "department": "Sales", "designation": "Director"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • Specmatic stub will response with this payload:

      "id": 20

Handling No Response Body APIs

Specmatic also supports externalizing examples for APIs that return no response body. To handle this:

  • Create an example file with the http-request section, but omit the http-response body.
  • Specmatic will automatically associate this example with the corresponding response that has no body.

For example:

    "http-request": {
        "path": "/employees",
        "method": "DELETE",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "body": {
            "id": 10
    "http-response": {
        "status": 204,
        "status-text": "No Content",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"

When this file is placed in the employees_examples directory and the stub is restarted, the Specmatic stub will respond appropriately to the DELETE request with a 204 No Content status, confirming that the externalized example is correctly tied to a response with no body.

Note: You may add more example files into the employees_examples directory. There is no limit to the number of example files that can be added.

Intelligent Service Virtualisation - Example cannot go out of sync

An important and unique feature of Specmatic is that it constantly validates both inline and external examples against the specification to make sure they are always aligned.

Let’s try this feature out.

Create a file named out-of-sync.json with the following contents:

    "http-request": {
      "path": "/employees",
      "method": "POST",

      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      "body": {
        "name": "Janet",
        "department": "Sales",
        "designation": "Director"
    "http-response": {
      "status": 201,
      "body": {
        "id": "abc123"
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"

      "status-text": "Created",
  • Note: the value of id in the response is a string in the example, but an integer in the specification.
  • Now when you start the stub server, you’ll see the following error message in the log:

    In scenario ". Response: Employee Created Response"
    API: POST /employees -> 201
      >> REQUEST.BODY.department
          Contract expected string but stub contained 10 (number)
  • Specmatic’s stub rejected the example because of the mismatch. Let us ascertain the same by running the following curl command:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Janet", "department": "Sales", "designation": "Director"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 783
  • As you can see the response contains a generated value for the id, rather than “abc123”, which was in the invalid example.
  • Since the invalid example was rejected by Specmatic stub, the response is a value generated based on the response in the specification.

Strict Mode

Suppose you do not wish Specmatic to return an auto-generated response when there are no matching examples. You can run Specmatic stub server in strict mode.

Let’s try this out.

  • Start Specamtic stub with the --strict flag, using the following command:

    java -jar specmatic.jar --strict

    Alternatively, you can also run the same command with the Docker image:

    docker run znsio/specmatic --strict
  • Now run the following curl command:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Janet", "department": "Sales", "designation": "Director"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • Specmatic will return a 400, with a detailed error message.

  • To recap, in strict mode, Specmatic will only respond to requests that have matching examples, inline or external.

Data Type-Based Examples

Sometimes the exact value may not be that important in an example.

For example, suppose that in the request we expect, the important values to be matched against department and designation. name must be present but we don’t particularly care about the exact value.

Let’s see how we can formulate an example that meets these requirements.

  • Create a new file in the employees_examples directory named any_name.json:

      "http-request": {
        "path": "/employees",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "body": {
          "name": "(string)",
          "department": "Sales",
          "designation": "Director"
      "http-response": {
        "status": 201,
        "body": {
          "id": 30
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "status-text": "Created",
  • Start the Specmatic stub and execute the following command, which has the name “Janet”:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Janet", "department": "Engineering", "designation": "Director"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 30
  • Modify the name to “Justin”, or any other name, and you’ll get the same response.
    • This is because Specmatic just checks that the name in your curl request is a string. It doesn’t care about the exact value.
  • But modify the value of department in the curl command to “Facilities”.
    • This time round, the request does not match the example, because the values of department in the example and the request are different (“Sales” and “Engineering” respectively).
    • Since no example available matches the incoming request, a response is generated based on the specification and returned.

Plain Text Request Bodies - Examples With Regular Expressions

For specifications where the request body is a string, you may find it helpful to use a regular expression in the example.

Let’s try this out.

Create a new specification file named employee_sql.yaml:

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: SQL Query API
  version: '1.0'
      summary: Run an SQL query
        required: true
              type: string
              description: The SQL query to be executed
          description: Successful execution of the SQL query
                type: object
                  - id
                  - name
                    type: integer
                    description: The employee ID
                    type: string
                    description: The employee name

  • Note: the request body is a string holding an SQL query.
  • Create a directory named employee_sql_examples. Create a file in this directory named select_employee_by_id.json with the following contents:

      "http-request": {
        "path": "/employee-query",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "body": "(string)",
        "bodyRegex": "^SELECT .*id = 1$"
      "http-response": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "John Doe"
        "headers": {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "status-text": "OK"
  • Add employee_sql.yaml to the stub list in specmatic.yaml, like so:

      - provider: filesystem
          - employees.yaml
          - employee_sql.yaml
  • Run the following curl command:

    curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d 'SELECT * from employee where id = 1' http://localhost:9000/employee-query
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "John Doe"
  • Try changing the table name, or any other part of the query. Just make sure that the query starts with SELECT and ends with id = 1, as per the regex in bodyRegex in the example, and you’ll get the same response.

Correlated Request And Response Values

Sometimes, your application may require the request and response to be coordinated coherently. This coordination may take two different forms which we shall explore below.

In preparation, let’s update our employees.yaml specification with the following content:

  openapi: 3.0.0
    title: Employees
    version: '1.0'
  servers: []
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
            description: Employee Updated Response
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeResponse'
        type: object
          - employeeCode
            type: string
            type: string
            type: string
            type: string
          - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
          - type: object
              - id
              - employeeCode
                type: integer
                type: string

Since we have changed the spec, remove all the examples in employees_examples, as they will now be invalid.

Direct Substitution - Copying Values From Request To Response

  • In the employees_examples directory, add a file named direct_substitution.json with the following content:

        "http-request": {
            "method": "PATCH",
            "path": "/employees",
            "body": {
                "name": "Jake",
                "employeeCode": "(EMPLOYEE_CODE:string)"
        "http-response": {
            "status": 200,
            "body": {
                "id": 10,
                "name": "Jake",
                "employeeCode": "$(EMPLOYEE_CODE)",
                "department": "Sales",
                "designation": "Associate"
  • Execute the following curl command:

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Jake", "employeeCode": "abc123"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 10,
        "name": "Jake",
        "employeeCode": "abc123",
        "department": "Sales",
        "designation": "Associate"
  • Here’s what’s happening.
    • The value of employeeCode in the incoming curl request is stored to a variable named EMPLOYEE_CODE, due to "employeeCode": "(EMPLOYEE_CODE:string)".
    • Then the value stored in EMPLOYEE_CODE is used as the value of employeeCode in the response, due to "employeeCode": "$(EMPLOYEE_CODE)".
  • Try the same curl command again, but change the employeeCode. You’ll find that any employeeCode sent in the request will be reflected in the response.

Data Lookup

Sometimes, the values of multiple response keys which have very different values need to be coordinated with a single request value, and for this the data look feature is quite useful.

Let’s try this out.

  • Add a new file into the employees_examples directory named data_lookup.json with the following contents:

        "http-request": {
            "method": "PATCH",
            "path": "/employees",
            "body": {
                "employeeCode": "(EMPLOYEE_CODE:string)",
                "department": "(DEPARTMENT:string)"
        "http-response": {
            "status": 200,
            "body": {
                "id": 10,
                "employeeCode": "$(EMPLOYEE_CODE)",
                "name": "Jack",
                "department": "$(DEPARTMENT)",
                "designation": "$(dataLookup.departments[DEPARTMENT].desig)"
        "dataLookup": {
            "departments": {
                "Sales": {
                    "desig": "Associate"
                "Engineering": {
                    "desig": "Manager"
  • Observe the value of designation in the response. Specmatic will resolve this expression at runtime on receiving a request that matches the request in this example.

  • First let’s see it in action. Execute this curl command:

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"department": "Sales", "employeeCode": "abc123"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get the following response, in which the value of designation is “Associate”, as per the lookup.

        "id": 10,
        "name": "Jack",
        "employeeCode": "abc123",
        "department": "Sales",
        "designation": "Associate"
  • Note: The curl request matched the example request, so Specmatic loaded the corresponding response in the example, evaluated the expression $(dataLookup.departments[DEPARTMENT].desig) to get value of designation (which turned out to be “Associate”), evaluated the direct substitution expressions to get the values of employeeCode and department, and returned this response to the caller.

  • Specmatic evaluates the expression $(dataLookup.departments[DEPARTMENT].desig) from the example response using the following steps:
    • Access the dataLookup object (you’ll find it in the example JSON).
    • Retrieve the departments collection from the dataLookup object.
    • Select the department corresponding to the value of the variable DEPARTMENT from the departments collection.
      • In this case, the value of DEPARTMENT is set to “Sales” (see the section on Direct Substitution above if you don’t understand how that came about).
    • Access the desig property of the selected department.
  • It’s the value of the desig property that gets used as the value of designation in the response.

  • The format of these expressions is fixed: top-level-object.collection[LOOKUP_VARIABLE_NAME].property
    • The names themselves, such as dataLookup, departments, desig are not restricted to any format. You may use names that are meaningful to you.
  • Next execute this curl command:

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"department": "Engineering"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You will get the following response, in which the value of designation is “Manager”, as per the lookup.

      "id": 10,
      "name": "Jack",
      "employeeCode": "abc123",
      "department": "Engineering",
      "designation": "Manager"
  • You can use as many collections and properties as you like in the dataLookup data object.

Partial Examples

This feature let’s you focus on the keys that need, allowing Specmatic to fill in the missing details.

Partial Request Examples

For example, suppose I want to setup a response for all requests with name set to “George”. I don’t care about the specific values of name, employeeCode (which is mandatory), department or designation in the request.

  • Create a file in employees_examples named partial.json, with the following contents:

        "partial": {
            "http-request": {
                "method": "PATCH",
                "path": "/employees",
                "body": {
                    "name": "George"
            "http-response": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "id": 10,
                    "employeeCode": "abc123",
                    "name": "George",
                    "department": "Sales",
                    "designation": "Manager"    
  • Note: In the request, the example only contains name. But because this is a partial example, Specmatic knows that employeeCode is mandatory and will validate the incoming request accordingly, despite it being missing in the example.

  • Start the stub, and execute the following curl command:

curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "George", "employeeCode": "abc12dd3"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:
    "id": 10,
    "employeeCode": "abc123",
    "name": "George",
    "department": "Sales",
    "designation": "Manager"
  • Try the same but vary status code. As long as the name is “George”, you will get the above response.

Partial Response Examples

The same idea extends to the response.

  • Replace the content of employees_examples/partial.json with the following contents:

        "partial": {
            "http-request": {
                "method": "PATCH",
                "path": "/employees",
                "body": {
                    "name": "George"
            "http-response": {
                "status": 200,
                "body": {
                    "name": "George",
                    "department": "Sales",
                    "designation": "Manager"    
  • Note that the two mandatory keys in the response named id and employeeCode are omitted from the example.
  • But because it’s a partial example, when you make the execute the previous curl command, Specmatic will autogenerate values for id and employeeCode from their schemas in the specification.

Use Meaningful Response Values From An External Dictionary

When Specmatic’s stub receives a request and finds no matching examples for it, Specmatic returns a response generated from the response schema in the API specification. While the generated response is schema-valid, it will not have meaningful values drawn from the context of your business domain. So in order to get domain-relevant responses when there examples, you can provide a dictionary of sample values to Specmatic. Specmatic will lookup this dictionary when it needs to generate domain-relevant examples.

Let’s see how this works.

  • Create the following employee_details.yaml specification file.

    openapi: 3.0.0
      title: Employees
      version: '1.0'
    servers: []
          summary: ''
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeDetails'
              description: Employee Created Response
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
          type: object
            - id
            - name
            - department
            - designation
              type: integer
              type: string
              type: string
              type: string
              type: string
          type: object
            - name
            - department
            - designation
              type: string
              type: string
  • Create a file named dictionary.json in the same directory as your specmatic.yaml with below contents. The format of this dictionary JSON is on the lines of a map (key value pair) where the keys as per your OpenAPI schema object keys (in this case “department” and “designation”):

      "": 10,
      "": "Jamie",
      "Employee.employeeCode" : "pqrxyz",
      "Employee.department": "Sales",
      "Employee.designation" : "Associate"
  • Update your specmatic.yaml file to use the dictionary.json we created above:

      - provider: filesystem
          - employee_details.yaml
      dictionary: ./dictionary.json
  • Start the stub and execute this curl command:

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Jamie", "employeeCode": "pqrxyz"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 10,
        "name": "Jamie",
        "employeeCode": "pqrxyz",
        "department": "Sales",
        "designation": "Associate"

Note: we did not provide any of the above values in any example file. They have been picked up by Specmatic from the dictionary when creating a response to return.

Using Dictionary Values In External Examples

You can fill out the specific values in an example, and leave Specmatic to lookup the dictionary for the rest. This will save you the effort of coming up with good example values for keys you must provide but may not particularly care about.

  • Create a new example file in the employee_details_examples directory named patch_employee.json with the following contents:

    “http-request”: { “method”: “PATCH”, “path”: “/employees”, “body”: { “employeeCode”: “lmnop”, “name”: “Julie” } }, “http-response”: { “status”: 200, “body”: { “id”: 10, “employeeCode”: “lmnop”, “name”: “Julie”, “department”: “(string)”, “designation”: “(string)” } } } ```

  • Start the stub and execute this curl command:

    curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Julie", "employeeCode": "pqrxyz"}' http://localhost:9000/employees
  • You’ll get this response:

        "id": 10,
        "name": "Julie",
        "employeeCode": "lmnop",
        "department": "Sales",
        "designation": "Associate"

Note: Specific values for id, name and employeeCode were specified in the example, but department and designation were not. The specific values in the response for those fields came from the dictionary.

Nested structure lookup in dictionary

Keys in dictionary.json can refer to nested fields. Consider the following schema:

      type: object
        - name
          type: object
            - first_name
              type: string

A value for first_name can be supplied in the dictionary as follows:

  "": "Jackie"

Values for nested arrays can also be supplied. Consider the following schema:

      type: object
        - addresses
          type: array
            type: object
              - street
                type: string
  "Employee.addresses[*].street": "Baker Street"

Note: nesting like in the above examples (e.g. street nested within array of addresses within employee) only works because street itself does not exist as a top-level key in an entitiy.

Finally, consider another example where a schema refers to another schema:

      type: object
        - addresses
          type: array
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address'
      type: object
        - street
          type: string

In this case, the dictionary will have to look like this:

  "Address.street": "Baker Street"

Delay Simulation

Specmatic allows granular control over simulating a slow response for certain requests.

Example Specific Delay

Let us create another expectation file on the same lines as expectation.json in the products-api_examples folder and call it expectation-with-delay.json with below content.

  "http-request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/products/11"
  "http-response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": {
      "name": "Slow Soap",
      "sku": "slow1234"
  "delay-in-milliseconds": 3000

We have set the delay to 3 seconds here. Once the Specmatic stub server has loaded this expectation, time the request for product id 11 and you should see a 3 second delay.

% time curl http://localhost:9000/products/11
    "name": "Slow Soap",
    "sku": "slow1234"
}curl http://localhost:9000/products/11  0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 3.082 total

All other requests, other than the specific request (product id 11) where a delay has been setup, will have either no delay or fallback to global delay.

Global Delay

A Global delay can be applied to all requests handled by service virtualization. By configuring the delayInMilliseconds parameter in Specmatic Config, you can simulate response times with the specified delay in milliseconds.

  • {
      "sources": [
          "provider": "git",
          "repository": "",
          "consumes": [
      "stub": {
        "delayInMilliseconds": 3000
  • sources:
      - provider: git
          - io/specmatic/examples/store/openapi/api_order_v3.yaml
      delayInMilliseconds: 3000

Note: If the delay is specified in the example file, it will be used to simulate response times for that specific example. Otherwise, the global delay will be applied.

SSL / HTTPS Stubbing

There are multiple ways to run the Specmatic Stub with SSL.

Auto-Generated Cert Store

This is the quickest approach.

java -jar specmatic.jar stub --httpsKeyStoreDir=<directory to create keystore> --port=443 product-api.yaml

Alternatively, you can also run the same command with the Docker image:

docker run znsio/specmatic stub --httpsKeyStoreDir=<directory to create keystore> --port=443 product-api.yaml

This will create a specmatic.jks file in the dir that you mentioned above and you can now access the stub over https.

Bring Your Own Key Store

If you already have a keystore and self signed certificate you can pass it to Specmatic through below command options.

% specmatic stub --help
                             Run the proxy on https using a key in this store
                             Run the proxy on https, password for pre-existing
                               key store
                             Key password if any

Dynamic Expectations (a.k.a. Dynamic Stubbing Or Mocking) - Setting Expecations Over Specmatic Http Api


It is not always possible to know ahead of time what expecation data needs to be setup. Example: Consider below scenario

  • Let us say our system under test needs to lookup the SKU value from another service (over which we do not have control or cannot mock) before creating products
  • In this scenario we will be unable to create the expectation json file with any specific value of SKU since we will only know this at test runtime / dynamically

Dynamic Stubs are helpful in such scenarios which involve a work flow with multiple steps where the input of a step depends on output of its previous step.

Expectations Http Endpoint

Specmatic stub server can accept expectation json through below http endpoint.


Please see postman collection for reference.

Specmatic will verify these expecations against the OpenAPI Specifications and will only return a 2xx response if they are as per API Specifications. Specmatic returns 4xx reponse if the expectation json is not as per the OpenAPI Specifications.

Anatomy of a Component / API Test

Anatomy of a Component / API Test

Please see this video for reference.

The above image shows how Specmatic Smart Mocking fits into your Component Test. A good component test isolates the system / component under test from its dependencies. Here Specmatic is emulating the dependencies of the mobile application thereby isolating it.

API Tests are just Component Tests where the System Under Test is a Service / API. Here is an example of how you can leverage Specmatic dynamic mocking in an API Test. Below are the pieces involved.

Let us analyse each phase of this API test.

  • Arrange - In this step, we setup Specmatic stub server with expectation json through Specmatic http endpoint to emulate the Products API to return expected response. We also verify that Specmatic has accepted this expectation data by asserting that the response code is 2xx. This confirms that are our expectation data is in line with the OpenAPI Specification of Products OpenAPI Specification.
  • Act - Here the test invokes System Under Test to exercise the functionality we need to test. This inturn results in the System Under Test invoking its dependency (Products Service) which is being emulated by Specmatic. Specmatic returns the response we have setup in the previous step to the System Under Test. System Under Test processes this data and responds to API Test.
  • Assert - We now verify the response from System Under Test to ascertain if it has returned the correct response.

Programmatically Starting Stub Server Within Tests

  • If your tests are written in a JVM based language, you can start and stop the stub server within your tests programmatically.

    Add specmatic-core jar dependency with scope set to test since this need not be shipped as part of your production deliverable.


    Now you can import the utilty to create the stub server. Below code snippets are in Kotlin. However the overall concept is the same across all JVM languages such as Clojure, Scala or plain Java.

    import io.specmatic.stub.createStub

    This utility can now be used in your test setup / beforeAll method to start the stub server. Specmatic automatically looks for your Specmatic configuration file in project root directory / classpath to locate your API Specification files that need to run as part of the stub server.

    fun setUp() {
        stub = createStub()

    We can now programmatically set dynamic expectations on the stub with the setExpectation(<expectationJson>) method where <expecationJson> is in the same format as static expecations


    If you have several such JSON expectation files that you would like to setup at once, you can pass a list of files or dir containing these expectation JSON files while creating the stub.

    httpStub = createStub(listOf("./src/test/resources"))

    The above createStub() function creates your Specmatic HTTP stub with default host, port, etc. Below is an example with all values being passedin

    fun setUp() {
        stub = createStub(listOf("./src/test/resources"), "localhost", 8090, strict = true)

    The last parameter (strict = true), enables strict mode where Specmatic HTTP Stub will only respond to requests where expectations have been set. For any other requests, 400 Bad Request is returned.

    And subsequently once your tests are done, you can shutdown the stub server as part of your teardown / afterAll method.

    fun tearDown() {

    Here is a complete example of Specmatic Contract Tests that leverages the above technique.

    Kotlin Example

    Please note that this is only a utility for the purpose of convenience in Java projects. Other programming languages can simply run the Specmatic standalone executable just as easily. If you do happpen to write a thin wrapper and would like to contribute the same to the project, please refer to our contribution guidelines.

  • If your tests are written in Python, you can start and stop the stub server within your tests programmatically.

    1. Install the Specmatic Python library: Use pip, a package installer for Python, to install the Specmatic library.

      pip install specmatic
    2. Run Tests with a Stub: If you want to run the tests with a stub, you can do so like this:

      import os
      from specmatic.core.specmatic import Specmatic
      from your_project import app
      PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
      app_host = ""
      app_port = 5000
      stub_host = ""
      stub_port = 5000
      expectation_json_file = PROJECT_ROOT_DIR + '/test/data/expectation.json'
      Specmatic() \
          .with_project_root(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR) \
          .with_stub(stub_host, stub_port, [expectation_json_file]) \
          .with_wsgi_app(app, app_host, app_port) \
          .test(TestContract) \

      In this example, we are passing an instance of wsgi app like flask. stub_host, stub_port, and expectation_json_file are the the host and port for the stub server, and the path to a JSON file containing expectations for the stub, respectively. Replace app with your Flask application object.

      Here are complete example of Specmatic stub server usage in Python.

Transient Expectations (a.k.a. Transient Stubs)

A transient mock disappears immediately after it has been exercised.

Setting transient expectations

For example, create this stub file for products-api.yaml contract:

  "http-stub-id": "123",
  "http-request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/storestatus",
  "http-response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": "open"

Make an HTTP request to http://localhost:9000/storestatus with the GET method. The response says “open”.

Now try the same request again. The response is a randomized string.

This is useful particularly when there are no distinguishing features of the request like in the above example, and we need to simulate a succession of calls to that API giving different responses.

Clearing Transient Expectations

If the test fails and you need to start a new run of the test, you may need to clear all the transient mocks so that the two tests do not step on eachother’s toes.

To do that, make an API call to the path /_specmatic/http-stub/ with the DELETE verb.

To clear the transient mock in the above example, you would call http://localhost:9000/_specmatic/http-stub/123 with the DELETE verb.

Externalised Response Generation

There may be circumstances where we need to compute the response or part of it based on the request in the expectation. Here is an example.

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: New Feature
  version: "1"
      summary: three times
      - name: value
        in: path
        required: true
          type: number
          description: three times
                type: number

This OpenAPI specification expects given input to be multiplied by three. It may not be possible to create expectation for each individual number. In this can we can create an expecation that can call an external command to which it can pass the incoming request and then return the value generated by that external command.

    "http-request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "path": "/triple/(value:number)"
    "http-response": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": "10",
        "externalisedResponseCommand": "<path to>/"

In the above expecation file since we are providing the externalisedResponseCommand, Specmatic will ignore the data inside http-reponse body. Instead it call the command ( that is mentioned in externalisedResponseCommand and pass the incoming request as a environment variable SPECMATIC_REQUEST.



cat << EOF
    "status": 200,
    "body": $((value * 3)),
    "status-text": "OK",
    "headers": {
        "X-Specmatic-Result": "success",
        "Content-Type": "text/plain"

The above shell script is just an example, the external command can be any executable / script / program which can read an environment variable. The example shell script here is reading the path parameter and multiplying it by three. The response of this script / command is returned as the response to the request.


Specmatic can modify the specification before loading it.

Let’s see a quick example of a frontend that connects to the backend API through an API gateway.

Here is an API specification for a products API.

openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Sample Product API
  version: 0.0.1
  - url: http://localhost:8080
    description: Local
      summary: Get Products
      description: Get Products
        - in: path
          name: id
            type: number
          required: true
          description: Numerical Product Id
        - in: header
          name: X-internal-id
            type: string
          required: true
          description: Internal customer id
          description: Returns Product With Id
                type: array
                  type: object
                    - name
                    - sku
                      type: string
                      type: string

The expectation used by the consumer when stubbing out the Products API Backend looks something like this:

  "http-request": {
    "headers": {
      "X-auth-token": "abc 123"
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/products"
  "http-response": {
    "status": 200,
    "body": [
        "name": "Rice",
        "sku": "sku123"

Note how the consumer sends the header X-auth-token in the request. The API gateway replaces it at runtime with X-internal-id, and forwards the request to the backend (note that the specification declares the header X-internal-id, not X-auth-token).

The specification as-is will not accept the above frontend expectation, without a small modification, which can be achieved using Specmatic’s stub_load_contract hook.

Create the specamtic.json file with the following content:

  "sources": [
      "provider": "git",
      "stub": [
  "hooks": {
    "stub_load_contract": "python3"

Create a file named in the root of your project, with the following code:

import os
import sys
import yaml

def main():
    # Read the name of the file from the environment variable
    file_name = os.getenv('CONTRACT_FILE')
    if not file_name:
        print("CONTRACT_FILE environment variable not set.")

        with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
            # Load the YAML file
            data = yaml.safe_load(file)
            # Modify the specified header
            paths = data.get('paths', {})
            products_path = paths.get('/products/{id}', {})
            get_operation = products_path.get('get', {})
            parameters = get_operation.get('parameters', [])
            for param in parameters:
                if param.get('in') == 'header' and param.get('name') == 'X-internal-id':
                    param['name'] = 'X-auth-token'

            # Print the modified data
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"File not found: {file_name}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error processing file: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This sample hook code replaces the header name X-internal-id with X-auth-token.

Now when Specmatic is run in stub mode, it will invoke the hook, pass the specification path to it using through the environment variable CONTRACT_FILE, and then load whatever specification is printed by the hook to standard output.

Precedence Across Types Of Examples

There are now several ways in which to provide expectations.

  1. Transient expectations
  2. Dynamic expectations
  3. Expectations from externalized examples
  4. Expectations from examples in the specification

They are resolved in the order in which they appear above.

This means, if a request matches an example in the specification, but also matches a dynamic expectation, the response will be served from the dynamic expectations. Put differently, dynamic expectations override expectations from examples.

Checking Health Status Of Stub Server

You can use the /actuator/health endpoint to verify if the stub server is operational. To do this, send a GET request to this endpoint using Postman or a curl command.

The response will provide the current health status of the stub server, indicating whether it is ready to handle requests. This allows you to confirm that the stub server is up before routing any traffic through it.

Example curl Request:

curl -X GET http://<stub_server_url>/actuator/health
# Example successful response:
# {
#   "status": "UP"
# }

Here’s the OpenAPI specification describing the /actuator/health endpoint.

openapi: 3.0.3
  title: Health Check API
  description: API for checking the health status of the stub server.
  version: 1.0.0
      description: Returns the health status of the stub server.
          description: Health status of the stub server.
                type: object
                    type: string
                      - UP
                    example: UP

Sample Java Project