Contract Tests

Specmatic is a platform and programming language independent executable. We can run it in all CI environments through command line.

Cloning API specifications from authenticated Central Contract Repositories

Specmatic requires appropriate auth setup in order to pull the latest API specifications to be used for both Contract Tests and Intelligent Service Virtualisation. Here are the details.

Authentication params in Git Repo URI

This approach works across any CI setup which can include the auth params as part of the URI. Simply include your auth params (username/password, PAT and any other access tokens) as env variables (be sure to mask the values for security). Here is an example of Git repo URI in the Specmatic configuration file in this approach.

  • {
      "provider": "git",
      "repository": "https://${TOKEN}",
      "provides": [
  • provider: git
    repository: https://${TOKEN}
      - io/specmatic/examples/store/openapi/api_order_v3.yaml

As long as the env variables are available in the CI build machine (in this example TOKEN), Specmatic will evaluate them and execute Git clone on the fully evaluated URL.

A quick test to see if your Git Repo URI is correct will be to run a command line Git clone in your CI pipeline with it. If it works with command line Specmatic will also be able to use the same to clone your central contract repo to the CI build machine. Here are detailed examples.



  • CI_JOB_TOKEN - https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}
  • Username / Password - https://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}

Github Actions


  • Personal Access Token - https://${CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_PAT}

Detailed steps

  • Set up a Personal Access Token in Github with “Read” access for contents on your Central Contract Repository (we recommend using fine grained tokens)
  • Add this PAT as a repo secret in your repository where Specmatic Contract Test / and or Service Virtualisation is used. Example: CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your PAT>
  • In your Github workflow file, for steps involving Specmatic Contract Test and / or Service Virtualisation, setup env variable CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_PAT and set its value to the secret that we added above. Example: CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_PAT: ${{ secrets.CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}. Here is a complete snippet.
  • {
      "provider": "git",
      "repository": "https://${CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_PAT}",
      "provides": [
  • provider: git
    repository: https://${CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_PAT}
      - io/specmatic/examples/store/openapi/api_order_v3.yaml

Github Actions

Note: We are in the process of standardising on a uniform approach (Authentication params in Git Repo URI) across Github, Gitlab, Azure and more. We suggest considering the steps listed here before going ahead with below technique. Below approach will also continue to be supported.

  • Setup a Personal Access Token in Github with “Read” access for contents on your Central Contract Repository (we recommend using fine grained tokens)
  • Add this PAT as a repo secret in your repository where Specmatic Contract Test / and or Service Virtualisation is used. Example: CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your PAT>
  • In your Github workflow file, for steps involving Specmatic Contract Test and / or Service Virtualisation, setup env variable PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN and set its value to the secret that we added above. Example: PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CENTRAL_CONTRACT_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}. Here is a complete snippet.
    - name: Build with Maven
      working-directory: main
      run: mvn test package jacoco:report
  • Then Specmatic automatically detects the presence of PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN env variable and is able to clone the central contract repo to the CI server by leveraging the same.

Generic settings for any other CI setup

Github action to setup specmatic environment

Setup specmatic environment by Serghei Iakovlev
