Contract Tests
- Contract Tests
- Overview
- Specmatic Contract Test - Command Line
- How the contract test works (step-by-step)
- Externalising examples / test cases
- Generating examples
- Boundary Condition Testing
- JUnit Output From The Command
- When The API Does Not Match The API Specification
- Declaring Contracts In Configuration
- Handling multipart form-data and file uploads
- The Java Helper For Java Projects
- Handling Application authentication
- Authentication In CI For HTTPS Git Source
- Authentication In CI For SSH Git Source
- Examples For WSDL Contracts
- Programmatically executing Specmatic Contract as Tests
- HTML Report
- Referring to local specifications
- Examples that are not passing yet
- Examples that trigger 400 responses
- Selectively Running Tests in CI
- Overlays
- Hooks
- Advanced Features
As seen in “getting started” Specmatic is able to leverage your API Specifications as “Contract Tests” to verify if your application is adhering the specification. This step is critical in making sure that your application / provider is honouring its side of the contract in the “Contract Driven Development” process just like how consumers build against a smart mock that is based the same OpenAPI Specification.
Specmatic Contract Test - Command Line
Create a file named “employees.yaml” and copy below content into it. This is an API Specification for an employee service which allows fetching and updating employee details.
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Employees
version: '1.0'
servers: []
summary: ''
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 70
name: Jill Doe
department: Engineering
designation: Director
description: Employee Created Response
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 70
name: Jill Doe
department: Engineering
designation: Director
- schema:
type: number
name: id
in: path
required: true
value: 10
value: 100
value: 10
summary: Fetch employee details
tags: []
description: Details for employee id in request
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 10
name: Jane Doe
department: Engineering
designation: Engineering Manager
description: Employee with given id not found
type: object
properties: {}
value: {}
summary: ''
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 10
name: Jill Doe
department: Engineering
designation: Director
description: Updated employee details
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 10
name: Jill Doe
department: Engineering
designation: Director
title: Employee
type: object
- id
- name
- department
- designation
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: string
Here is a sample application that is is implementing this specification. You can run a curl command on this URL to see the sample data.
Let us now run the employees.yaml
as a test against the above sample application.
java -jar /path/to/specmatic.jar test employees.yaml --testBaseURL
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic test employees.yaml --testBaseURL
The results should end with below text.
Tests run: 4, Successes: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
And if you further analyse the test logs for PUT /znsio/specmatic/employees/{id}
, you will notice that specmatic sent the value 10 and did not generate a random value. How did this happen?
- Specmatic is able to correlate the request and response examples based on naming convention.
- In the
you will notice several examples for the employeeId parameter each with a different name, these same names are again used in the response examples also. This is what is helping Specmatic tie the request and response together. - In OpenAPI, while it is possible to define several possible responses for an operation, it is not possible to define which input generates which response. This is the reason why Specmatic has to depend on the example names.
How the contract test works (step-by-step)
Let’s go over how the above contract test works once again.
The purpose of the contract test is to check if the application understands a specification-valid request and returns a specification-valid response.
Let’s take the example of FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
in the above specification.
First, Specmatic’s test
command collects all the examples named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
in the parameters
section of /znsio/specmatic/employees/{id}
in the above specification, and sends a GET request with these values to /znsio/specmatic/employees/{id}
. These examples serve as test data for Specmatic. Specmatic expects that the application will understand them and return the expected response.
Needless to say, the application must be setup before the contract tests run to return the required response.
Next, when the application sends back a response, Specmatic must validate it against the specification. But /znsio/specmatic/employees/{id}
has a 200
and a 404
response in the spec. How does Specmatic know which of the two to expect? Specmatic just looks for a response example named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
, and finds it under the 200
. Hence, the response code is expected to be 200
, and the payload must match that defined under the 200 response. Any response from the application with a 200
status code matching the 200
response specification will be accepted by Specmatic.
Thus, the request and response examples named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
taken together comprise a contract test named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
Note that the response example named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
is not compared with values returned by the application. This is what sets a Contract Test apart from an API Test. A Contract Test is concerned with checking the APIs signature, while API tests are concerned with checking the APIs logic.
However the response example named FETCH_EMPLOYEE_SUCCESS
is verified and used in service virtualization.
Externalising examples / test cases
You can store test data in json files side-by-side to be used in the contract test, instead of inline examples.
Let’s try it out. Please clone below sample repo.
The employees.yaml
file in this repo is similar to the spec we saw in the above section with the difference that it does not include inline examples. Instead all the examples are externalised to JSON files inside a folder named employees_examples
. Please have a look at each of the examples files (which have self explanatory names) to understand the syntax.
Let us now run employees.yaml
as a test against the sample application.
Here’s how you can present that command with site.spec_cmd
and the Docker alternative in Bash format:
java -jar /path/to/specmatic.jar test --testBaseURL employees.yaml
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic test --testBaseURL employees.yaml
Note: Since the folder is named employees_examples
and colocated with the spec file employees.yaml
, by convention it is automatically picked up. However if your folder has different name and / or located in another path, you can explicitly pass that folder as a parameter using the --examples
CLI Argument (Please run specmatic test --help
to learn more).
The test results will look as shown below. Specmatic has run one test per external example file at this point. This is quite similar to our earlier test run.
Tests run: 5, Successes: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
The complete test data format can be referred to here.
Generating examples
Instead of creating the above example JSONs by hand, you can also generate the example JSONs using the examples
java -jar specmatic.jar examples employees.yaml
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic examples employees.yaml
In the above case, example JSON files will be written into the directory named employees_examples
. You can then update the files to suit your needs and use them.
Boundary Condition Testing
In the above example, we only ran the happy path test cases. What if we send an number to a boolean parameter? What if we send a null to a non-nullable parameter? What if we do not send a mandatory parameter? How does the application handle these errors? Input validation is an important aspect of your api security strategy (OWASP reference).
Specmatic can help you verify / assess such boundary condition behavior and the associated error handling in your application. Let us run the Specmatic tests with the SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS
environment variable set to true.
java -jar /path/to/specmatic.jar test --testBaseURL employees.yaml
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic test --testBaseURL employees.yaml
Earlier for the same input we saw 4 tests and all of which were successful. This time around you will see a total of 26 tests, of which 21 are failures.
Tests run: 26, Successes: 5, Failures: 21, Errors: 0
Exercise: Analyse the logs to understand what input validations need to be added to the application.
If you want to start small, set the flag ONLY_POSITIVE
to true, either as an environment variable or as a Java system property. With this flag switched on, requests with all combinations of properties and values permitted by the spec will be generated and used as tests against your API. However negative tests (e.g. sending a number where boolean is required) will not be run.
Demo: Video
JUnit Output From The Command
You can get the JUnit output from the Specmatic command using an extra parameter.
java -jar /path/to/specmatic.jar --testBaseURL --junitReportDir ./test-output
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic --testBaseURL --junitReportDir ./test-output
The command will create JUnit test xml output in the specified directory which you can then include as part of CI pipeline results etc.
When The API Does Not Match The API Specification
As we saw earlier in this page, the sample application is adhering to the employees.yaml
OpenAPI Specification.
Now let us experiment by making some changes to the datatypes in the employees.yaml
and observe the error responses.
- Change the datatype of
to integer in scheme component Employee - You will notice that Specmatic will complain that your examples are not as per the Specification - Now lets update all the examples for
to value1
- Now Specmatic will run the test and you should see a single failure
We encourage you to try more such modifications to the specification such as adding / removing parameters, updating datatypes, etc. This will give you picture of how Contract Tests work.
Note: If you modify the request, it’s possible that the application will respond with a 404 or 500, and you may not see anything more interesting than a mismatched status. But if you modify any response structure in the contract, leaving the request intact, e.g. change an integer to a string or vice versa, the application will send recognize the requests, send response back that do not match the contract which you have modified, and you will see interesting error feedback.
Declaring Contracts In Configuration
In the last example, we ran run contract tests above by passing the contract path to Specmatic. The drawback here is that the command is not easily machine parseable. It will not be easy for tools to find out which contract is being run as test on which service, and do further analysis. Updating the command to add more contracts will also be more error prone.
So instead:
- Create a file named specmatic.json OR specmatic.yaml OR specmatic.yml which contains the Specmatic configuration.
version: 2 contracts: - git: url: provides: - path/to/employees.yaml
{ "version": 2, "contracts": [ { "git": { "url": "" }, "provides": [ "path/to/employees.yaml" ] } ] }
- Create a git repository and push the employees.yaml contract into it.
- Update the value of “url” inside “git” field to the url of the git repo. This should be a url that could be used by git checkout.
- Update the contract path in “provides” to the relative path of employees.yaml within the git repository.
Specmatic will use the git command to checkout the git repository provided in the Specmatic configuration file. So make sure that the git
command works on your laptop.
On the command line, cd
into the directory containing the Specmatic configuration file.
Run this command:
java -jar /path/to/specmatic.jar --testBaseURL
Alternatively, we can also run the same command with the Docker image:
docker run znsio/specmatic --testBaseURL
Note that no contracts are passed to Specmatic. Since no contracts have been passed, Specmatic looks for the Specmatic configuration file in the current working directory, checks out the contract repo, and runs the specified contracts as contract tests.
Since Specmatic uses the Specmatic configuration file in the current working directory, it’s important to use cd
into the directory containing the Specmatic configuration. For Java projects, the Specmatic configuration file should be in the same directory as the pom.xml or build.gradle file.
Since Specmatic uses git under-the-hood, any authentication requirements of your git server will be handled by the underlying git command.
- The value of “url” in “git” field is the git repository in which the contracts are declared. It can be any git repo, not just github.
- The value of “provides” is a list of contract paths, relative to the repository root, which should be run as contract tests.
- You may declare multiple contracts in the “provides” list.
- “contracts” holds a list. You may declare multiple contracts if required. However we recommend using a single contract repository to be shared across your organisation, or ecosystem within the organisation (if your org is large).
If you need to experiment with files on the local filesystem, here’s how you can declare specifications locally (no need to specify the filesystem
field if the config is in the same directory as the relative path of provides
and if this isn’t the case then specify filesystem
with directory
field), in the Specmatic configuration file:
version: 2 contracts: - provides: - path/to/employees.yaml
{ "version": 2, "contracts": [ { "provides": [ "path/to/employees.yaml" ] } ] }
The filesystem path above is a relative path, but it can also be an absolute path to a file.
Handling multipart form-data and file uploads
Specmatic adheres to OpenAPI multipart content support.
Here is a snippet of OpenAPI yaml that demonstrates the same.
summary: Update or upload a product image
operationId: updateProductImage
- name: id
in: path
required: true
type: integer
description: ID of the product to update the image for
description: Image file to be associated with the product
required: true
type: object
- image
type: string
format: binary
description: The image file to upload
contentType: image/png, image/jpeg
externalValue: ".specmatic/repos/specmatic-order-contracts/io/specmatic/examples/store/openapi/box_image.jpg"
description: Product image updated successfully
type: object
type: string
type: integer
message: "Product image updated successfully"
productId: 10
Note how we are referencing the image file in the example as externalValue
. Specmatic will look for this file (box_image.jpg) in project dir and send the contents as part of the multipart HTTP request.
Please read through the complete OpenAPI spec and try out the sample project which implements this endpoint. The sample project even dumps the file that it receives as part of the test request to a gitignored folder called .images
in the project root directory so that you can verify that encoding is also preserved as part of the test.
The Java Helper For Java Projects
For Java projects, you can use the Java helper that ships with Specmatic.
Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml
Add a class that implements SpecmaticContractTest
. See how this is done - Interface based contract test example
In it, set the “host” and “port” properties to tell Specmatic where to find the application. You can also start the application in that class.
Add the Specmatic configuration file at the project root, as described in the previous section.
is a dynamic JUnit5 test. It will read the contracts from the Specmatic configuration file and run them. Alternatively, you can implement SpecmaticContractTest
interface to customize your contract tests.
Since it is a JUnit5 test, you can run it in all the ways you are used to. If you run it in the IDE, you’ll see the results in your IDEs GUI. If you run mvn test
, Surefire will store the results of the contract tests in the JUnit XML output file alongside any other JUnit tests in your project. The same applies to ./gradlew test
Handling Application authentication
If the OpenAPI contract defines API authentication using security schemas, these information will be used by Specmatic when running contract tests. Read more about it on the page on authentication.
Authentication In CI For HTTPS Git Source
Specmatic does a checkout of the git repository given in the Specmatic configuration using the git command. On your laptop, the git command will take care of authentication and prompt you for a password. But a build on a CI server runs headless without no chance for a user to enter credentials, so the git checkout fails when it gets an authentication failure from the repository.
Instead, Specmatic can do the checkout using OAuth2 authentication, which is also supported by most git providers.
Add a key named “auth” to the Specmatic configuration, as seen in the example below.
version: 2 contracts: - git: url: provides: - path/to/employees.yaml auth: bearer-file: central_repo_auth_token.txt
{ "version": 2, "contracts": [ { "git": { "url": "" }, "provides": [ "path/to/employees.yaml" ] } ], "auth": { "bearer-file": "central_repo_auth_token.txt" } }
In CI, the necessary oauth2 token must be fetched and stored in a file named central_repo_auth_token.txt (as configured) side-by-side with the Specmatic configuration file, before running contract tests.
If you are using Microsoft Azure as both your git provider as well as CI, you can use a secret build variable named System.AccessToken, provided by Microsoft Azure, as your OAuth2 bearer token. Before running the tests, use a script to place the value of this variable in a file. For example:
# Sample azure pipeline snippet
- bash: |
echo $(System.AccessToken) > central_repo_auth_token.txt
displayName: Create auth token file
- bash: |
mvn test
You could also use an environment variable to pass the token.
version: 2 contracts: - git: url: provides: - path/to/employees.yaml auth: bearer-environment-variable: BEARER
{ "version": 2, "contracts": [ { "git": { "url": "" }, "provides": [ "path/to/employees.yaml" ] } ], "auth": { "bearer-environment-variable": "BEARER" }, }
Again, using an example for Microsoft Azure:
# Sample azure pipeline snippet
- bash: |
mvn test
BEARER: $(System.AccessToken)
We have provided samples for Azure, but the same can be done easily in any build system.
Note that if you are using different systems for git and CI, the two will not be integrated. The first step is to fetch the OAuth2 token from the git repo. The second step is to create the file or environment variable as described above, and finally, you may run the contract tests.
Authentication In CI For SSH Git Source
You can also use an ssh url as your git source. Take the help of your DevOps team to generate SSH keys locally and on your CI server, and place the local and CI public keys in .ssh/authorized_keys your git server. This will enable the git command to handle authentication seamlessly via SSH authentication.
Examples For WSDL Contracts
A WSDL contract cannot hold examples within the contract. The format does not support it.
We can instead add examples to a companion file. The companion file should be in the same directory as the wsdl file. It would look like this:
Feature: WSDL Companion file
Given wsdl ./soap-contract-file.wsdl
Scenario: Add user
When POST /soap-service-path
Then status 200
| (REQUEST-BODY) | SOAPAction | Any other headers... |
| <soapenv>...</soapenv> | "/addUser" | header values |
(REQUEST-BODY) contains the request body in a single line, SOAPAction contains the value value of the SOAPAction header, and additional columns must be included for each header sent by the SOAP service.
Programmatically executing Specmatic Contract as Tests
If you’re building your application in a JVM-based language, you can run Specmatic Contract Tests programmatically, either by extending
or implementingSpecmaticContractTest
. Here’s how:1. Add Specmatic JUnit Support Jar Dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>io.specmatic</groupId> <artifactId>junit5-support</artifactId> <version>2.7.6</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
2. Add JUnit 5 Dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId> <artifactId>junit-jupiter</artifactId> <version>5.8.2</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
3. Implement SpecmaticContractTest (Interface-based approach) [Recommended]:
import io.specmatic.core.SpecmaticContractTest; public class ContractTests implements SpecmaticContractTest { @Override public void configureTest() { System.setProperty("host", "localhost"); System.setProperty("port", "8080"); } }
4. Extend SpecmaticJUnitSupport (Class-based approach):
import io.specmatic.core.SpecmaticJUnitSupport; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; public class ContractTests extends SpecmaticJUnitSupport { @BeforeAll public static void setUp() { System.setProperty("host", "localhost"); System.setProperty("port", "8080"); } }
4. Example for a Spring Boot Application: Interface based contract test example
Install the Specmatic Python library: Use pip, a package installer for Python, to install the Specmatic library.
pip install specmatic
Create a test file: In your project’s test directory, create a new Python file named
. -
Declare a Test Class: In
, declare a class namedTestContract
. This class will serve as the container for your contract tests.class TestContract: pass
Configure and Run Contract Tests: Use the Specmatic class to configure and run your contract tests. Here’s an example of how to do this for a Flask application:
import os from specmatic.core.specmatic import Specmatic from your_project import app, PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) app_host = "" app_port = 5000 Specmatic() \ .with_project_root(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR) \ .with_wsgi_app(app, app_host, app_port) \ .test(TestContract) \ .run()
In this example, replace
with your project’s name andapp
with your Flask application object. If app_host and app_port are not specified, the app will be started on a random available port on -
Run the Tests: You can run the tests from either your IDE or command line by pointing pytest to your test folder:
pytest test -v -s
Note: Please ensure that you set the ‘-v’ and ‘-s’ flags while running pytest so that pytest will run all the tests in the test directory and provide detailed output, including any output from the tests themselves.
Here is a complete Specmatic Contract Test example for a flask application.
Note: Declare your specifications in the Specmatic configuration file as described above in the section on declaring contracts in configuration. The Specmatic configuration file should be created at the root of your project.
HTML Report
Upon completion of the contract tests, Specmatic will produce an HTML report for viewing and analyzing the results. You can locate this report in the build/reports/specmatic/html
directory of your project; simply open the index.html
file in the browser of your choice to view the report. The results are presented in a tabular format, similar to the API coverage report displayed on the console.
The key metrics are presented in the top header, which includes overall coverage percentage, total number of tests passed, failed, errors, and skipped. You can filter the table by clicking on one of the count buttons.
Coverage Table
The table is organized by path, method, request content type, and response status code, with each row representing the number of tests executed for that specific group and the final remark. Additionally, coverage is calculated for each path and is included as one of the columns in the table.
To view the actual tests along with the associated request and response for each test and other relevant information, click on one of the table rows. This action will slide in the details section, which contains all the tests executed for that specific group, if applicable. You can then click on an individual test to see the request, response, and additional details such as the URL, request and response time, and any error message in case of a failure.
Similar to table filtering, clicking the header buttons filters the tests, which dynamically update counts and coverage as you switch between details and the main screen.
Note: The content-type
is of the request and is displayed below the response status code when the endpoint includes a request body.
Remarks are displayed for each row in table and act as a summary of the tests executed for that specific group. The remarks are as follows:
Remark | Definition |
Covered | Tests were run for this group. Red indicates a failure in one or more tests, while green means all tests passed |
Missing In Spec | The endpoint is implemented on the service but isn’t documented in the OpenAPI Specification |
Not Implemented | The endpoint is documented in the OpenAPI Specification but isn’t implemented by the service |
Not Covered | Tests for this group were not executed or were skipped |
WIP | This endpoint is marked WIP in the OpenAPI Specification, Any failures in this grouped are indicated by yellow and disregarded |
Invalid | The endpoint doesn’t conform to REST standards |
Note: The remarks Missing In Spec
and Not Implemented
are contingent upon the actuator being enabled. Please refer to API Coverage for further details.
Referring to local specifications
If you want to temporarily refer to API specifications on your local machine please use system property contractPaths
public static void setUp() {
File apiContract = new File("<path to API specification>/orders-api-v1.yaml");
System.setProperty("contractPaths", apiContract.getAbsolutePath());
System.setProperty("host", "localhost");
System.setProperty("port", "8080");
Examples that are not passing yet
The contract is used as a collaboration tool. Sometimes, a contract violation may take time to fix. It may be useful to add examples that demonstrate the problem to the contract without breaking the build.
To do this, the example name should start with [WIP]
For example, an example of a failing contract tests for a 200 response could look like this:
id: 10
name: "Herbie"
Note the quotes around the name, which are necessary because of the space required between [WIP]
Examples that trigger 400 responses
To trigger a 400 response, you may need a contract-invalid example. Specmatic will not enforce contract validity for examples that are meant to trigger a 400 response.
For example:
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Employees
version: '1.0'
servers: []
summary: ''
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
name: "Heidi"
department: "Engineering"
designation: "Team Lead"
id: "xyz"
name: "Heidi"
department: "Engineering"
designation: "Team Lead"
description: Employee Created Response
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
id: 10
name: "Heidi"
department: "Engineering"
designation: "Team Lead"
description: Invalid request
type: string
title: Employee
type: object
- name
- department
- designation
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: string
Note the contract-invalid id in the example named INVALID_ID
. Specmatic accepts it and sends it to the system under test, expecting a 400 response.
A contract-invalid example would not be allowed in the example named SUCCESS
, as it is an example that should trigger a 200 response (and hence must be a contract-valid example).
Selectively Running Tests in CI
Specmatic provides powerful filtering capabilities to help you run specific tests during development and CI/CD pipelines. You can include or exclude tests based on various criteria such as HTTP methods, paths, status codes, and more.
Test Filtering Options
Using the New Filter System (Recommended)
The --filter
option provides granular control over which tests to run:
specmatic test --filter="METHOD='POST' && PATH='/users'"
Available Filter Keys
: Filter by HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)PATH
: Filter by request paths (/users, /products, etc.)STATUS
: Filter by response status codes (200, 400, etc.) - supports pattern matching with ‘xx’ (e.g., 4xx, 2xx)HEADERS
: Filter by request headersQUERY-PARAM
: Filter by query parametersEXAMPLE-NAME
: Filter by example names
Available Filter Operations
: Represents a logical AND operator.||
: Represents a logical OR operator.!
: Negates the applied condition.=
: Comparison operators for comparing a key with its value.(
: Parentheses are used to group multiple filter expressions.
Filter Syntax
- Single value:
- Multiple values for same filter (comma-separated):
- Multiple filters can be joined with AND operation (
):--filter="METHOD='GET,POST' && PATH='/users'"
- Multiple filters Joined with OR Operation (
):--filter="PATH='/users,/products' || STATUS='200'"
Excluding Tests
Here’s how you can provide filter criteria to exclude tests:
--filter="STATUS!='400,401' && METHOD!='DELETE'"
Programmatic Usage
Set environment properties in your test setup:
// Include specific tests
System.setProperty("filter", "METHOD='POST' && PATH='/users'");
// Exclude tests
System.setProperty("filter", "STATUS!='400,401'");
Common Use Cases
- Run only successful response tests:
specmatic test --filter="STATUS='2xx'"
- Skip authentication error tests:
specmatic test --filter!="STATUS='4xx'"
- Skip specific status codes:
specmatic test --filter!="STATUS='401,403'"
- Test specific API endpoints:
specmatic test --filter="PATH='/users,/products'"
- Test API endpoints with wildcard(
) forPATH
:specmatic test --filter="PATH='/users/*'"
- Test all paths that begin with /products/, followed by any pattern, and end with /v1.
specmatic test --filter="PATH='/products/*/v1'"
- Combine multiple filters:
specmatic test --filter="(PATH='/users' && METHOD='POST') || (PATH='/products' && METHOD='POST')"
- Exclude specified filters:
specmatic test --filter="!(PATH='/users' && METHOD='POST') && !(PATH='/products' && METHOD='POST')"
Putting it all together
Let’s say you want to run tests for the employee creation API (POST /employees
), the API to fetch department details (GET /department
), while skipping any 4xx and 500 status tests:
specmatic test --filter="((PATH='/employees' && METHOD='POST') || (PATH='/department' && METHOD='GET')) && STATUS!='4xx,500'"
Additional Tips
- Filters are case-sensitive.
- Use single parentheses to separate values from keys within a filter.
- When multiple filters are specified, tests must match ALL criteria (AND operation).
- Within a single filter with multiple values, tests matching ANY value will be included (OR operation).
- Negation(!) causes a block to be excluded from being considered.
- Wildcard(*) can only be used with PATH.
- Range (2xx, 50x) can only be used with STATUS.
Note: Endpoints that are filtered out as a result of this expression are also excluded from the reports generated by Specmatic and from the coverage calculation.
API Coverage
After executing the tests, Specmatic generates a tabular report that displays which APIs were covered by the tests. It can also retrieve the APIs exposed by the application through the actuator module to identify which APIs were not covered by contract tests or those that are not implemented in the service.
There are two methods to enable this feature:
Enable the Actuator Mapping Endpoint
Activate the actuator mapping endpoint in your backend framework. Specify the URL of this endpoint as a system property using endpointsAPI
. Specmatic will use this endpoint to retrieve and analyze the available paths and methods exposed by your backend server.
Refer to the sample project below to observe this in action. Pay attention to the system property set in the ContractTest class, as well as the actuator-related dependency included in pom.xml
Use Swagger UI
Various programming languages and frameworks offer support for Swagger UI. For example, in .NET, Swashbuckle automatically generates an OpenAPI specification from controllers and models, making it easier to document, visualize, and interact with APIs directly from a web interface.
Specmatic will automatically detect and utilize Swagger UI if it is available. By default, Specmatic sends a request to /swagger/v1/swagger.yaml
. You can customize the base URL for Swagger UI by configuring the SWAGGER_UI_BASEURL
system property. If this property is not defined, Specmatic will default to using the URL of the System Under Test (SUT) as the base URL.
The data from the coverage report is saved to a file located at build/reports/specmatic/coverage_report.json
, relative to the directory from which Specmatic was executed. It is also accessible in the HTML report generated at build/reports/specmatic/html/index.html
Overlays provide a powerful mechanism to modify OpenAPI specifications without altering the base specification. They’re particularly useful when you need to simulate middleware behavior, such as API gateways modifying requests, or when you need to extend an existing API specification.
Understanding with a Real-World Example
Consider this common scenario in microservices architecture:
graph LR
Client[Client] -->|Original Headers| Gateway[API Gateway]
Gateway -->|Modified Headers| Backend[Backend Service]
style Gateway fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
In this scenario:
- A client sends requests to your service through an API gateway
- The gateway modifies headers (adds new ones, transforms existing ones)
- Your backend service receives the modified request
Base Specification
Here’s our base employee service specification:
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Employees
version: '1.0'
servers: []
summary: Fetch employee details
tags: []
- in: header
name: correlation-id
type: string
required: true
description: Request correlation ID
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
description: Details for employee id in request
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
title: Employee
type: object
- id
- name
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: string
Overlay Specification
To simulate API gateway behavior, we’ll use an overlay to modify headers:
overlay: 1.0.0
- target: $.paths['/employees'].post
- in: header
name: X-Correlation-ID
type: string
required: true
description: Correlation ID for request tracking
- in: header
name: X-Gateway-Token
type: string
required: true
description: API Gateway authentication token
- in: header
name: X-Request-ID
type: string
format: uuid
required: true
description: Unique request identifier for tracing
Using Overlays in Specmatic
Step 1: Setting Up Files
- Save your base specification as
- Save your overlay specification as
Step 2: Specifying Overlay Files
You can specify overlay files in three ways:
- Automatic Detection in Test Mode (Recommended)
- Name your overlay file following the pattern:
- Place it in the same directory as your spec file
- Specmatic will automatically detect and apply it when running in test mode
- Name your overlay file following the pattern:
# If your spec file is named:
# Name your overlay file as:
Note: The automatic detection is:
Only available in test mode Case insensitive Only works with .yaml extension Requires exact naming pattern with underscore: _overlay.yaml
- Command Line Approach
specmatic test --port 9000 --overlay-file gateway_overlay.yaml
- Environment Variable Approach
export OVERLAY_FILE_PATH=gateway_overlay.yaml
# Then run your tests programmatically or via command line
The environment variable approach is particularly useful when:
Running tests programmatically Setting up CI/CD pipelines Working with test frameworks Need to specify overlays globally for multiple test runs
Step 3: Understanding the Results
When Specmatic runs the tests, it will send requests with the modified headers:
POST /employees
X-Correlation-ID: correlation-123
X-Gateway-Token: gateway-token-456
X-Request-ID: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"department": "Engineering",
"designation": "Senior Engineer"
Further Reading
For a complete list of modifications possible with overlays, refer to the OpenAPI Overlay Specification.
Specmatic’s test hooks provide a powerful mechanism to modify API specifications just before they’re used in testing, without altering the original specification files. This feature is particularly valuable when your test scenarios require different or additional specification elements (such as headers, parameters, or request bodies) compared to what’s defined in your base specification.
Real-World Scenarios
Test hooks can solve various real-world challenges. Here is a common scenarios where test hooks prove invaluable:
API Gateway Transformations
Consider this common architectural setup:
Client Application → API Gateway → Backend Service
In this scenario:
- Your client application sends requests with basic headers (e.g.,
) - The API Gateway:
- Adds rate limiting headers (
) - Transforms authentication headers (
- Adds rate limiting headers (
- The backend service expects ALL these headers to be present
Without test hooks, Specmatic tests would fail because:
- The client specification only contains
- The backend service expects additional headers that the Gateway would normally add
- The backend service looks for
instead ofX-auth-token
Implementation Example
Initial Client API Specification
Here’s a typical client-side API specification:
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Sample Product API
version: 0.0.1
- url: http://localhost:8080
description: Local
summary: Get Products
description: Get Products
- in: header
name: X-auth-token
type: string
required: true
description: Authentication token
description: Returns Product With Id
type: array
type: object
- name
- sku
type: string
type: string
Setting Up Test Hooks
Step 1: Create specmatic.yaml configuration file:
version: 2 contracts: - provides: - products_client.yaml hooks: test_load_contract: python3
{ "version": 2, "contracts": [ { "provides": [ "products_client.yaml" ] } ], "hooks": { "test_load_contract": "python3" } }
Both configurations are equivalent and can be used interchangeably in your Specmatic setup.
Step 2: Create the hook script:
Specmatic supports hook script in any executable format (Python, Shell, Java, Javascript etc.). Below are examples in Python and Java.
Please note:
- In the hook script we access an environment variable CONTRACT_FILE which is automatically set by Specmatic
- It contains the absolute path to the API specification file.
import os import sys import yaml def main(): # Read the specification file path from environment file_name = os.getenv('CONTRACT_FILE') if not file_name: print("CONTRACT_FILE environment variable not set.") sys.exit(1) try: with open(file_name, 'r') as file: data = yaml.safe_load(file) # Get the parameters section paths = data.get('paths', {}) products_path = paths.get('/products', {}) get_operation = products_path.get('get', {}) parameters = get_operation.get('parameters', []) # Simulate API Gateway transformation: # Transform X-auth-token to X-internal-id for param in parameters: if param.get('in') == 'header' and param.get('name') == 'X-auth-token': param['name'] = 'X-internal-id' break # Add Gateway-specific headers gateway_headers = [ { 'name': 'X-RateLimit-Limit', 'in': 'header', 'required': True, 'schema': {'type': 'integer', 'example': 100}, 'description': 'Maximum number of requests allowed' }, { 'name': 'X-RateLimit-Remaining', 'in': 'header', 'required': True, 'schema': {'type': 'integer', 'example': 40}, 'description': 'Number of remaining requests allowed' } ] parameters.extend(gateway_headers) print(yaml.dump(data)) # The script MUST output valid YAML to stdout # This YAML will be used by Specmatic for testing # Any other prints/logs should go to stderr to avoid corrupting the YAML output except FileNotFoundError: print(f"File not found: {file_name}") sys.exit(2) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing file: {e}") sys.exit(3) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Following is an example using Java that can be compiled into a standalone JAR file.
Sample Project Access
- Reference Java based hook script implementation available at: specmatic-hooks-java-sample
- Clone the repository to get started
Creating the JAR File
- Follow instructions in the project’s
- Build will generate a standalone executable JAR, named “specmatic-hooks-sample.jar”
- JAR will contain all necessary dependencies
- Add the JAR file to your Specmatic configuration as shown below.
The test hook configuration in Specmatic will look as follows: :
version: 2 contracts: - test: - products_client.yaml hooks: test_load_contract: java -jar specmatic-hooks-sample.jar
Following is the link to Java hook file from the sample project : Java hook script
How It Works
When Specmatic runs tests:
- Specmatic sets the CONTRACT_FILE environment variable with the absolute path to the specification file that needs to be modified (e.g., /path/to/your/project/products_client.yaml)
- The test hook intercepts the client specification before test execution
- It modifies the specification to:
- Transform
(simulating Gateway authentication header transformation) - Add rate limiting headers (simulating Gateway-added headers)
- Transform
- The test hook script is executed and MUST output a valid YAML to stdout
- Specmatic uses this modified specification for testing, while your client specification remains unchanged
This approach:
- Maintains clean client specifications
- Accurately tests backend service requirements
- Simulates API Gateway behavior in your test environment
Note: If you’re looking to modify headers during service virtualization using Specmatic’s
command, then please refer to stub-specific header modifications documentation : Using Hooks during Stub Creation
Test hooks provide a powerful way to bridge the gap between client specifications and Gateway-modified requests. By simulating Gateway behavior in your tests, you can ensure your backend service testing is accurate and comprehensive while maintaining clean client specifications.
Advanced Features
Generative Tests
Contract testing within the bounds of the contract is not enough. HTTP prescribes what should happen when contract-invalid requests are sent. To ensure that the application operates as required by HTTP, we need to test it with contract-invalid requests.
Given an API specification, we know what an API’s request should look like, and hence we can come up with a number of counter examples.
Let’s use this specification as an example.
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Products
version: '1.0'
servers: []
summary: ''
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
color: green
category: medicals
description: Response to successful product creation
type: object
- id
type: integer
id: 10
description: Repsonse to a bad product creation
type: object
- message
type: string
title: Product
type: object
- color
- category
type: string
type: string
A contract-valid test is found in the examples named SUCCESS.
If we send a request containing the body {"color": null, "category": "medicals"}
, the application should respond with a 400, because according to the specification, the value of color
cannot be null.
Specmatic can generate this test and more to ensure that validations for color
are in place, and will do the same for `category.
Just set a property or environment variable named SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS
to ‘true’.
In Java, you could use this:
System.setProperty("SPECMATIC_GENERATIVE_TESTS", "true")
The best way to see it in action is to try it out with one of your micro-services and it’s API specifications.
Limiting the Count of Tests
Where there are no examples, Specmatic generates tests from the contract. And if there are too many optional headers, query parameters, JSON keys, nullables, and so on, Specmatic may generate too many tests.
Set a property or environment variable named MAX_TEST_REQUEST_COMBINATIONS
to limit the number of combinations that will run.
Let’s use this specification as an example.
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Products
version: '1.0'
servers: []
summary: ''
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Product'
description: Product Created Response
type: object
- id
type: integer
title: Product
type: object
type: string
enum: [green, blue]
type: string
enum: [food, electronics]
There are no examples.
As a result, the following 4 contract tests will be generated by Specmatic from the specification.
- In the first, the body contains {“color”: “green”, “food”}
- In the second, the body contains {“color”: “red”, “electronics”}
- In the third, the body contains {“color”: “green”, “electronics”}
- In the fourth, the body contains {“color”: “red”, “food”}
Look closer at the above tests. They are sorted such that in the first two tests, all 4 values are represented.
If you run only the first 2, all the possible values will be represented in tests, without having to run all 4.
Of course there’s value in running all possibilities, but if there are too many of them you may wish to prioritise the first few, enough that all the values are represented in the tests.
In this example, we may ensure that just the first 2 tests run with the following code:
System.setProperty("MAX_TEST_REQUEST_COMBINATIONS", "2");
When Specmatic generates requests for tests and does not find any examples, it will create the requests using the structure and keys defined by the request schema in the specifications, and it will fill in the structure with random values, based again on the same schema.
In order to obtain domain-specific requests without examples, you can supply a dictionary of values to Specmatic. Specmatic will then reference this dictionary when it needs to generate a request.
Create the Specification
To understand how this works, create the employees.yaml
specification file as follows:
openapi: 3.0.0
title: Employees
version: '1.0'
servers: []
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeDetails'
description: Employee Created
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee'
description: Bad Request
type: object
- id
- name
- department
type: integer
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: object
- name
- department
type: string
type: string
type: string
Create a Dictionary
Now create a dictionary file named employees_dictionary.json
in the same directory:
"": "John Doe",
"EmployeeDetails.department": "IT",
"EmployeeDetails.employeeCode": "12345"
Note: The naming convention for the dictionary file should be <spec-name>_dictionary.json
where <spec-name>
is the name of the specification file.
To understand the syntax of dictionary refer to service-virtualization
Run the tests Tests
Now to execute contract tests on the specification using the dictionary a service is required, we will utilize service-virtualization for this purpose.
java -jar specmatic.jar stub employees.yaml
npx specmatic stub employees.yaml
docker run -v "$(pwd)/employees.yaml:/employees.yaml" -v "$(pwd)/employees_dictionary.yaml:/employees_dictionary.yaml" znsio/specmatic stub "employees.yaml"
Next, execute the contract tests by running the following command:
java -jar specmatic.jar test employees.yaml
npx specmatic test employees.yaml
docker run -v "$(pwd)/employees.yaml:/employees.yaml" -v "$(pwd)/employees_dictionary.yaml:/employees_dictionary.yaml" znsio/specmatic test "employees.yaml"
We can now examine the request sent to the service by reviewing the logs.
POST /employees
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "John Doe",
"department": "IT",
"employeeCode": "12345"
Notice that the values from the dictionary are utilized in the requests.
Generative Tests
As it’s evident that only valid values can be included in the dictionary. hence, generative tests will ignore the values in the dictionary for the key being mutated. The other keys will still retrieve values from the dictionary if available; otherwise, random values will be generated.
For instance, if you execute the specification with generative tests enabled, one of the request will appear as follows:
POST /employees
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
"name": null,
"department": "IT",
"employeeCode": "12345"
In this case, the key name
is being mutated, which results in the value from the dictionary being disregarded. While the values for department
and employeeCode
are still being retrieved from the dictionary.